Praise for Erika Rado

“At our business, Still Life Massage and Float, Erika captured through her art work the essence of what we desire for our staff, our clients, and our community! She intuitively understood our Mission Statement, our brand, and our overall vibe and created a statement piece that has movement and stillness wrapped into one. We proudly hang her art on a prominent wall in our lobby and clients often comment on its beauty. I highly recommend working with Erika to put your brand on a canvas for all to see.”

~Shannon Fuller, Owner of Still Life Massage and Float • Bellingham, WA

On the Art Sessions: “I think it’s really helpful for transitions. As we are at key pivotal points in life, using that opportunity to connect with our essential selves. I think in those moments there is so much potential and we can better meet the moment by connecting with the deeper more connected space Erika offers. It is a reminder of truth that can light what’s ahead of us.”

~C.O. • California

““My two hours with you were an extraordinary experience, way beyond my expectations. Powerfully insightful, helpful in understanding the conflicts in my life and motivating and inspiring for the future. Thank you.”

~H.S. • Devon, UK

“My intuitive session with Erika allowed me to zoom out from the day-to-day and step into a sense of wholeness and purpose. My painting hangs in my office and I use it as an anchor when I’m processing big experiences, both on my own and while on calls with my therapist. It is an external grounding that connects me back to myself and my internal sense of knowing, allowing me to both go deeper and process more clearly.”

~A. S. • California

“Erika is an energy reader- just as I am. Both of us paint a picture of either an individual or a group’s energy vibrations using chalk pastels and interpret the result. So here’s the thing- Erika’s paintings and readings are well worth your time. She has to be #energy good since I can do what she does!!”

~Jayni Roxton-Wiggill • Johannesburg, South Africa

“As an engagement gift, my (now) husband and I had a session with Erika. From the first stroke she made, I felt a wave of emotion. I felt so seen by her. It didn’t matter she was in another state, and we were connecting over Zoom. I felt the palpable relief of being deeply understood. She was able to connect us to the ancestral support for our marriage, as well as our unique qualities we each bring to the relationship. We saw how we compliment each other. Just as the painting was being completed, a yellow yolk showed up, which she said was the potential for our child.  Just over a year later, I gave birth to our son.  During the birth, which was at home, I looked at the painting, which showed the yolk emerging from the part of the painting that represented the purple/black depths that I had the capacity of navigating. This interpretation supported me in the labor. I had to go to depths I didn’t know I could go to, but knowing that I was doing this for all three of us, and having the visual of that gave me an immense boost of strength. I thought of how I was going into the unknown so I could come back and bring back our son for us to meet.  The painting continues to unfold and offer meaning. I can’t imagine a better way to honor major life transitions.”

~C.O. • Sacramento, CA

“Having an Art Reading with Erika was truly a very special and beautiful experience. It was very calming and at the same time so fascinating from beginning to end. Erika has such a loving presence and very positive energy. Having the opportunity to be in the present moment, to enjoy, observe and then share with Erika what I was feeling and saw in the painting helped me to gain insight into a particular frustration that I had been experiencing recently in my daily life. It was like a light bulb went on for me at that moment allowing me to see the particular struggle through a different lens that was being shown to me via the painting itself which helped me very much. This is much more than watching someone paint a pretty work of art. It is a beautiful intuitive connection that Erika shares with you through her creativity. I found my Art Reading to be both healing and supportive. Thank you, Erika. You’re amazing!”

~J.S. • Florida

“I have been very fortunate to experience Erika’s work: Her beautiful presence and amazing intuition have not only been a treat for myself but also a real balm to my heart. I have felt seen heard and recognized very deeply. The way she held the space brought out things that were so relatable to me (it was spookingly accurate on so many level) as if she could see me very clearly. Also, her presence feels very comfortable – very natural and flowing. I felt very respected as I witness her painting process, without forcing nor judgment. I had a sense of feeling awakened, alive and whole. The process of watching my portrait being painted is quite an experience in itself as – layers after layers – we connect more and more to ourselves. When I was looking at my portrait being made, I saw an energetic expression of who I was through the colors & the forms. It’s a bit like if everything was being put in perspective and into place. It definitely helped me be more clear and grounded into what is personally true for me. And having the portrait as a reminder of who I am is a beautiful gift for me. Warmly recommended.”

~C.R. • France

“I didn’t know what to expect from Erika’s reading but was delightfully surprised. Her interpretation of the painting was unerringly accurate. It gently laid an old ghost to rest and gave me a timeframe for change. Over the years, I’ve had many readings but Erika’s had a clarity which is rare to find. She is discrete with personal information and has a lovely openness to experimentation, with different working methods. I like Erika’s work, a lot!”

~J.C. • South Somerset, UK

“I recommended my sister see Erika for a portrait reading after I had received mine. When my sister shared with me her portrait experience, I finally connected to what it meant to be her sister. How we came to this world for similar purposes, which means that we also chose to walk alongside each other – to be sisters. We are very different people, yet through Erika’s offerings, I was able to see the thread that we are carrying and weaving together. I could also see that the difference between us is in and of itself important – it is a distance that gives us different views of the same landscape, and through our connection we are both able to see more fully and appreciate each other’s view. I’m in deep gratitude for this understanding. It feels as though the paintings have unveiled the connection I’d always hoped for but hadn’t been aware of.”

~C.O. • Sacramento, CA

“Dearest Erika, Thank you for such a transformative experience. As we sat together in silence, and I watched you paint, I felt a deepening into the being-ness of all. It felt as though pieces (of the past?) were being brought into harmony. So much of this session was experienced from a place where there are no words. I felt transported to the timeless place, where truth and understanding exist, but are not spoken. I felt great peace and a sense that what was supposed to occur did occur with the completion of the painting. The rest would unfold, as I continue to experience the painting from my home. The painting now lives with me and through me. Thank you from the endless heart!”

~A.K. • Bellingham, WA

“I have been blessed to have an appointment with Erika twice now; and each time, it has been extraordinary. It is peaceful, and compassionate, healing, transformative and informative. Erika has an incredible gentleness of spirit, and such wisdom and intuition. All of which she uses with remarkable skill to aid the body in its healing. I feel years younger and a weight lifts with her treatments. I cannot recommend Erika highly enough. She is wonderful.”

~R. L. · Bellingham WA

“Erika Rado is an exceptionally skilled bodyworker and healer. She has tremendous insight into the natural world, animal behavior, ancient storytelling and mythology, drawing from these backgrounds to help others to nurture themselves and stay grounded within the tumult of a society where overload of information and opinions, stress and challenges are inevitable. Her genuine warmth and kindness create a calm and healing space. Erika has helped me to connect more deeply with myself, my community, the people I love, and the values I hold dear. She has helped me many times to reorganize and destress, leaving me to feel joy, greater health, resilience, and equanimity.”

~L.H. • Bellingham, WA

“Erika’s body butter is soft and ever-caressing. I currently work with hospice clients and am always looking for products that speak to not only myself as a massage therapist, but more importantly to the clients I serve. As soon as the butter is applied, there seems to be a general agreement of feeling held, enjoyment of the scent, and even more crucial, a swift sensation of ease. Creating this sense of ease when someone is at the end stages of life is no easy feat. The intentionality, love and care that goes into Erika’s body butter is felt by every client I use this product on. This is a product I highly recommend to anyone looking to deeply connect or create an intentional link to healing and being present.”

~Emalee Whiteman • Bellingham, WA

“Erika, I use your body butter from head to toe. It is so silky and I love that it absorbs completely. Especially in winter, my face tends to be drier and putting it on before bed has me waking up with super-hydrated and happy skin.”

~J.M. · Bellingham, WA

“Erika is amazing and all she has told me has been more truthful and amazing all the time. It’s been 9 months since my reading and it has steered my life into a different path. Thankful!”

~A.K. · Redmond, WA

“So grateful to Erika for our time together. Erika showed me windows and doors to that oneness and peace many of us seek with and through our horses. I had Erika spend a session with my mare after she did an illuminating energy balancing session with me. I saw that she could read and interpret my mare’s body and her energy/spirit. Erika helped me know how to care for my horse, and to better connect/communicate with her. I was seeking a better understanding of my horse, and a boost into the spirit universe via this amazing creature, and Erika gently guided the beginning of my journey. Thanks, Erika!”

~R.C. • Washington

“I had an incredibly healing portrait session with Erika during a time when my cat was passing on. I will forever cherish this piece of art. It is beautiful and unique, and brings me joy every time I look at it. It is a reflection of a difficult, but beautiful moment. Erika has a way of deeply connecting with animals, and when she was finishing up the portrait, my cat Luna, (who had been docile and hardly moving) made the trek from the bedroom to the living room and sat right next to her. It’s a memory I will cherish forever. I am deeply grateful for her work.” 

~K.M. · Bellingham WA

“I’m absolutely loving the smokeless smudge body butter on many levels! I’ve made a ritual of using it intentionally every night before bed, and have felt so grounded, nourished, and more “myself” as a result. There is something truly exceptional about Erika and the energy she puts into this stuff (it’s WAY more than just anther skin hydration product). Having also received powerfully transformative bodywork from Erika, I hold deep gratitude and tremendous respect for her as a healer.

~S. S. · Bellingham WA

“The intuitive session with Erika was quite profound for me. …I feel that the shifts were subtle and long-lasting. My outlook has been quite positive and rosy since then. …Erika’s work quite obviously goes deep.”

~D.G. · Seattle, WA

“Erika, you did an intuitive henna tattoo and reading of me in Bellingham this summer. I loved the look of the henna and loved my reading (which is so close to my very first one I ever had) that I just had it tattooed permanently on yesterday! I love it and wanted you to know.” 

~M.R. · Bellingham, WA

Erika’s healing work was the turning point for my kitty Whitey’s recovery. She facilitated a session that helped him to heal on every level and I am grateful to Erika (and her assistant Maggie, her German Shepherd dog) as is Whitey! I am already talking with Erika about helping another kitty of ours. I also know from personal experience she does exceptional healing work with people too.

~M.B. · Seattle, WA

“Erika’s method of energy healing surpasses my expectations in many ways. The best way to know how effective it has been is to compare how I feel before and after the sessions. What is most remarkable is the energetic aspect of this work carries the healing much further than the time on the table. It is simply transformative. Many positive changes started occurring after I started seeing her for gaining more clarity about major life changes through the healing. Although at first it was turbulent, because the issues that were most resistant to change started to change fast; it was a nice surprise after a few energy sessions and a henna reading that the areas in my life that were doing well already started improving rapidly as well. I highly recommend Erika as a well-rounded healing facilitator and Master Energy Worker.”

~A.B. · Bellingham, WA

“In my sessions with Erika I feel cared for. I appreciate that there is real progress in my health concerns each session without pain. Several practitioners in the past have told me that pain is part of the healing process, but with Erika, I have not had that experience. Also, I feel heard at an intuitive level beyond words that I could say.” 

~T.H. · Bellingham, WA

“Your session was a big reset button. I have been actively working with my right hip and its reciprocal, the left shoulder. The shoulder is back to normal and the right hip feels aligned. You have my sincerest appreciation and regard. After three sessions with her an old leg injury that had my leg involuntarily shaking especially through the night has gone away. The relief I feel is tremendous.”

~T. · Seattle, WA

“I’ve been on medication for ADHD, anxiety and depression for a long time. The medicines had to be changed and adjusted many times because they weren’t working too well for me. I wasn’t eating much and I still felt really angry all the time. My parents heard about sessions with Erika and figured they’d try it while the doctors were still trying to figure out the right medicines.

I had three sessions with Erika and even after the first session, things were different. I felt like I’d slept for 300 years and I was really hungry! I felt calmer. My anger is just virtually non-existent now. My outlook on life has changed, I look at things more positively instead of always defensively. I’m more outgoing and relaxed with new people and I have lots of great friends at my new school. I’m doing a whole lot better in school. All my new teachers are awesome and understanding!  I think that the sessions have helped the medications work better because I can focus better, and I’m much more able to get in touch with my feelings and talk about them. I feel that I’ve gone through a life changing experience and I feel that it is still having an effect on me.”

~R.D. · Seattle, WA

“R.D. is a vastly improved kid compared to before the sessions. When R.D. comes to visit us each month, we continue to see positive changes in interactive behaviors. There are still signs of hyperactivity, but R.D. is a true delight now, most of the time.”

~R.D.’s Grandfather · Seattle, WA

“My sessions have had an unexpected softening effect on the denser parts of my ego. The deep peace and relaxation that I felt during the sessions was profound.  It has given me a sense of Presence that cuts through ego with amazing precision, leaving peace in its wake.”

~S. · Seattle, WA

Erika is a highly skilled guide in art therapy. I have never been artistic, so I was impressed by Erika’s encouraging support and healing presence. With her skill as a healer, I was able to sort through the feelings via the images I drew. They continue to deepen my understanding. This is an extraordinary process. I highly recommend Erika and her work.

~T.S. · Seattle, WA

“Even as a little infant it always seemed as though our son had to release some energy – especially at nighttime. We decided to try sessions with Erika as a possibility to finding a calmness for him. From first meeting Erika he quietly accepted her healing and knows that Erika plays an important part to his life. He has remarked on her taking “mad” feelings and hiding them. After each session, we notice little things: better ability to focus, and less anxiety. We also know when his levels pick up that it is time for another session. We’re not really sure what happens but for us, it is something that we’ve tried openly, we have seen improvement in his behavior, and we didn’t have to look to drugs or medication. The Biomat is also a big hit – he looks forward to it and it has prompted discussions on crystals and how people may use them for health.”

~Mary B., mother of 6 year old son

“Since my sessions with Erika, I have been able to increase my heart rate by 10-15 beats per minute during my workout. The workout doesn’t feel significantly harder, but the heart rate monitor showed improved results. I am amazed and delighted!

Two of my three cats have received their own distance healing sessions with Erika. One of them had balance issues (inner ear) that improved from the sessions.  Her appetite also increased significantly.  Our other cat was very high strung, and the sessions have helped even out his temperament. However, he still likes to chase his sisters sometimes! Also, he is calmer when getting his nails clipped now and is calmer during thunderstorms!”

~S.P. · Seattle, WA

“I have no idea how she does what she does, but she has some incredibly unique ability to communicate with my body on a level that’s (at this point) even beyond my own reach. She senses the physical and energetic areas of my body that need help and simply helps my body heal itself. It’s amazing and I now consider it the MOST essential part of my preventative health care.”

~S.C. · Bellingham, WA