Ways of Council

The last twelve years have been an epic time of continuous, uncontrollable life change for me. An initiation period of stirring a sleeping wish awake. My path led me to rescue six neglected horses with no prior equine care experience. The horses and I are stepping into a dream I’ve had for 50 years.

The Seed

I will never forget the intense moment when, soon after my mare Artemis moved in, she and I were standing together. The hoof trimmer had come to trim her feet. Being a rescued horse and having withstood untold mistreatment in her time before me, she was in a high state of terror, struggling to contain herself to lift her feet calmly. Standing close, I held the lead rope with her in my gaze, our eyes locked in an eternal moment while the trimmer attended her feet. A wave of emotion moved through me and I knew Artemis was on the edge of her risking trust in me. We stood so close, I could feel the heat coming from her face. She was holding her breath. A tear made its way down her cheek. Being so focused on her, my whole body welled up with feeling her intensity, and tears started falling from my eyes too. I took a deep full breath and released it hoping she would understand “I am here with you, Artemis. I am protecting you.” That was a day I understood there were layers within me that, if I dedicated myself to improving from within, I could become the confident leader that she needed me to be. I also needed to give myself the same patience to develop in my own timing. I made that commitment to her. That moment was the very beginning and inspiration for Peaceful Horse.

Ways of Council Vision

The vision of what Peaceful Horse is meant to become has grown clearer and deeper. In the Ways of Council facilitator training, Dave Bingham continues to share the history and ways of Council. It has become blatantly obvious that Council circles are to be at the center of what Peaceful Horse offers, worldwide. I am in it by myself at the moment, hopefully not for long as I welcome others to join me in the making of it, and many in the community receiving from it. The aim is to have land that we steward long term with Peaceful Horse.

May this journey inspire you if you have a vision to bring Way of Council into your offerings and community. May this journey inspire you if you have a stirring to connect and talk with me about Peaceful Horse, as this next chapter opens. I also welcome inspired forms of sharing this story to raise awareness of the community portal and overall vision.

Ways of Council

I invite inspired dialogue and participation. Learn more about the origin and the vision for Peaceful Horse at Ways of Council.